The Wellness Through Connection Student Therapist Program

The Wellness Through Connection Student Therapist Program offers affordable and accessible mental health therapy to those in need of a safer, confidential, trauma informed & anti-oppressive space.

Students with WTC believe that the therapeutic process is a collaboration between therapist and client that is meant to be client centered, feel balanced, and facilitate growth.

This program matches clients with a competent, non-judgemental, intersectional, approachable and always open to feedback student who is completing their Masters in either social work or counselling psychology and is supervised by a registered social worker.

The student therapist is able to meet with clients throughout the duration of their practicum either weekly, biweekly, monthly, in person, virtually or over the phone.

Fees for the student rate start at $60 per 50-minute session with sliding scale options to go lower if finances are a barrier.

If you would like a call or email back from our current student for services, feel free connect with us directly by visiting our website or emailing:

Feel free to share this information with your network.

Warmest regards,